Valentine’s day isn’t just a day for romantic love; this Valentine’s Day, be sure to make it a Family celebration and have a special and healthy conversation about positive acts of love, special moments, or memories that show that you each care for one another!  Depending upon your kids’ ages you may have to encourage and prompt them, but it’s also important to just be brief and see where their little hearts open and blossom. 

Before dinner, have each person in your family fill out 3-5 “I love you because” slips for each person in your family and drop them in an envelope or jar you have waiting.  At dinner take turns reading the special love notes aloud.  These will prompt important and special family dialogue and allow each person to be reminded how truly special and unique they are.  This may also illuminate how much certain acts of kindness or some special moment you’ve had with each other stand out. 

You can also use this time for family reflection and come up with a plan to LOVE more intentionally and specifically in the coming year.  If you want, you can even put your goal-planning to pen by writing a family contract to be intentional in meaningful acts of Love for each other. 

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