Saving money at the grocery store really starts long before you get there. Try these tips. They may take some time to adjust to but you may find some health benefits in addition to more money in your bank account:
- Meal plan. Taking the time to plan your meals and sticking to that list is the best way to save money and also guarantee you make good health choices if you are trying to. Check out these fabulous websites to get you started: American Heart Association; Diabetes Food Hub; Food Talk. They all have recipes that have been reviewed by dieticians and nutritionists. Make sure to consider healthy snacks in your meal planning. Also, consider always having one or two microwave meals or cold meals that can be made straight out of a can on hand at all times. This will help if you have had a busy day and don’t feel like cooking. It takes little effort and time. For example, 3 Can Chili – 1 can beans (undrained), 1 can corn (drained), 1 can crushed tomatoes (undrained). Put all three in a microwave-safe bowl, and stir in 1 tsp. chili powder & 1 tsp. ground cumin. Cook on high, covered, for 3 minutes. Remove, stir, cover again, and return to the microwave for another 3 minutes. If you want it warmer you can microwave in 1-minute increments from there until ready. (If you double the recipe start with 4 minutes instead of 3 minutes). Serve with crackers, over pasta, or over rice to complete the meal.
- Double-check what you have. After you make a meal plan make sure you see what you already have in your fridge, freezer, pantry, and spice cabinet before venturing out to the grocery store. Ask yourself if you have something that can be used in place of an item the recipe already calls for. For example, many chicken recipes will also work with pork, turkey, and even mild fish varieties.
- Don’t shop while hungry. Not shopping while you are hungry will help reduce the temptation to keep adding unnecessary items to your grocery cart. It may help prevent you from overeating too, especially if you tend to grab a big bag of chips to scarf down in the car because you’re hungry. Try eating a healthy snack and drinking some water before you go to the grocery store.
- Shop grocery store ads first. Most grocery stores post their ads on their websites, but you can also access them through local papers. By shopping the ads first you can adjust your meal plan to include what is on sale. By committing to only purchasing the fruits that are on sale that week you will find it easier to have fruit for healthy snacks and save money.
- Clip coupons. Clipping coupons can look a little different these days than it used to. Although there are still paper coupons available, and they are worth taking the time to go through, you can also access coupons in some other ways. Some stores allow you to clip coupons directly in their store app or website once you are logged on. Sometimes through other services, like your credit card, you may find digital coupons. One word of caution with coupons, though you can get a big bang for your buck always ask yourself 2 questions when using them. 1. Do I actually need this, or am I only considering it because I came across the coupon? 2. Is this food item going to promote the health goals I have for myself or am I going to be upset later that I purchased this item? By asking these questions you be less likely to spend money just because there was a deal and you will stay on track with your health goals.