The exact formulas used to calculate credit scores, aside from being extremely complex, are proprietary. While we may not know exactly how the score is determined, we do know the relative weights of the five areas examined.
December 1: Eat a Red Apple Day Did you know apples have been associated with beneficial health outcomes? Maybe an apple a day actually does keep the doctor away! The antioxidants in apples may have a protective effect on cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and asthma. This possibly extends to diabetes as well. Studies have suggested…
According to research the question of happiness tied to money is a complicated one. We have heard it said, “money doesn’t buy happiness”. Likewise, we’ve probably also heard people disagree with that. The research on this is, well, not very straight forward.
Hi there! I’m Amanda Harner. I am the UGA Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for Monroe County Georgia. I’m thrilled you have visited the FACS of Life and hope you find it valuable and filled with practical knowledge and application for your daily life! In my work as a County Extension Agent, my goal…
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