Saving money at the grocery store really starts long before you get there. Try these tips in my blog post about saving money at the grocery store. They may take some time to adjust to but you may find some health benefits in addition to more money in your bank account.
Despite when you decide to plant, this day of celebration came about only a few short years ago to re-encourage the age-old trend of getting out and planting a garden (veggies or plants or mix).
Eggs contain possible bacteria on their shells including one called Salmonella. These bacteria can stay on shells and get inside the shells if cracked in transport, during cooking, or through cross-contamination. When shopping for eggs to use, be sure to open the container and check for cracks.
Do you have the opportunity to shop for produce in bulk (possibly cheaper) and wonder how you will ever eat it before it all spoils? Were you ever gifted an abundance of a friend’s fruit tree bounty? Or, do you have more tomatoes than you know what to do with at the end of the…
Save these 2023 dates on your calendar for our spring virtual cooking class for kids: Jan. 31; Feb. 28; Mar. 28; Apr. 25; May 23! Registration will be opening soon. Classes are expected to take place at 5:30 pm through Zoom.
Save the date! February 3, 2023, join UGA Family & Consumer Sciences Agent, Amanda Harner, for a couple’s cooking class in celebration of American Heart Month. *Location, times, and registration to be announced in early January.